Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. It is named after the Greek sky deity Uranus, who in Greek
mythology is the father of Cronus, a grandfather of Zeus, and great-grandfather of Ares. Uranus has the
third-largest planetary radius and fourth-largest planetary mass in the Solar System.
The video on the right shows how Uranus rotates around itself!
Planets | Diameter | Temperature |
Mercury | 4,879.4 km | 167°C |
Mars | 6,779 km | 27.2°C |
Earth | 12,742 km | 15°C |
Moon | 3,474.8 km | 27.2°C |
Venus | 12,104 km | 464°C |
Jupiter | 139,820 km | -150°C |
Saturn | 116,460 km | -176.11°C |
Uranus | 50,724 km | -213.889°C |